Over 2000 full text journals are available to you online via MyJournals.
One searchable database brings together journals available across the NHS in England, journals purchased locally, and those freely available to everyone (an OpenAthens account is usually required).
To access MyJournals go to www.evidence.nhs.uk and choose ‘Journals and Databases’, then ‘Journals’ or click here.
Log in to MyJournals using your Athens username and password (register for OpenAthens here).
Browse the A-Z list or search directly for journals by title using one of the options provided.
Click on the publisher link to take to you to the full text. You may be asked to supply your login details when accessing an online journal. Simply click the ‘OpenAthens log-in’ link to continue.
The MyJournals database also covers printed journals held within BASE libraries.
For a summary on copyright in the NHS please see this post on Copyright, or see the Copyright page in the Resources heading on the top menu.