Open Access resources are freely available professional health resources, with no login required.
Maintained by Lund University Libraries, Sweden. Covers full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals in various languages.
A service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine including 22 million citations from MEDLINE and other life science journals for biomedical articles back to 1948.
SCIE identifies and disseminates the knowledge base for good practice in all aspects of social care throughout the United Kingdom.
A repository of clinical questions and answers drawn from a wide number of sources around the world.
A clinical search tool to allow health professionals to identify high quality clinical evidence for clinical practice.
All pharmacists involved with patient care need clinical problem solving skills to deliver medicines optimisation, and this website we will assist the development of these skills by:
- Providing knowledge about medicines, and addressing basic principles of medicines safety for key subject areas.
- Showing the right questions to ask when problem-solving.
- Recommending sources of information about medicines.
- Guiding pharmacists on how to apply their professional judgement.
- Advising on communication techniques for delivering expert advice.
This site is designed for hospital pharmacists in their first 1,000 days of practice, but some content may also be of interest to hospital pharmacy technicians, community pharmacists, CCG pharmacists, and pharmacists returning to hospital practice after a career break.